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Opening Up To You

by Sourav | 12:02 PM in |

I love to write. Whether poetry or article, writing is my passion. When I write article or blog, I try to be informative. Many of my blogs are informative and mostly related to health. Although I come from a software background, I’ve written a lot of article that are based on health and fitness. So, why I’m so much into health?

The reason behind is that I feel health is the most important thing of our life. If you are healthy then you are fit to do anything. My goal is always to aware people about the health issues that we tend to ignore even though we know very well how much important are those. Generally, I try to give some tips and describe how we can have a better life and better health if we are well informed about our health and fitness.

Once one of my friends asked me a very valid question about my writing on health issues. He asked, how do I write on health issues when I’m not a doctor or a student of medicine? Good question. Well, I believe one doesn’t need to be a doctor to know and spread information about health; all you need to do is a good bit of research and take advices from those who are in the field of medicine. I’m very fortunate to have few of my closer buddies who are on the health related job or doctors. Hence when I think to write something on health I consult with them, take advice from them and research on that particular subject on my own; only after that I publish something. So, all my articles are well researched and based on facts.

But my aim is not only to create awareness on health and fitness, rather I like to spread information on the issues that create interest in me and on which I have some knowledge. This is what I have been doing for quite some time now. I’m glad people are liking it.

So here I am with all my love and inspiration, I’m writing again and talking to you through my blogs. I hope all my readers and friends will continue to support me in this venture.


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