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The perverse impact of stress on the immune system has recently reared its ugly head with the panic over the Swine Flu epidemic.

But there are herbs that help us strengthen the immune system and protect from the compromising impact of stress.

The two major factors that influence our risk of infection and diseases are exposure and susceptibility.

  • Exposure: While there are measures we can take to reduce our exposure to a virus; it is nearly impossible to completely eliminate getting exposed to infectious microbes like bacteria and viruses. Taking care to reduce exposure is important. But the biggest determining factor in regards to getting infected or not, is whether or not you are susceptible to infection.
  • Susceptibility: A weak immune system is more susceptible to infection or disease. By boosting the integrity of your immune system, you will reduce your susceptibility, or the likelihood of getting infected.

Herbs to build and maintain a strong immune system:

1.      Ashwagandha: Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), is an adaptogenic (that increases resistance to stress) herb that is well-documented for its immune building properties. Ashwagandha helps us fight stress by balancing cortisol (a stress fighting hormone) levels. It helps prevent the depletion of vitamin C when under stress and is superior to ginseng as a stress fighting adaptogen. Most importantly, Ashwagandha builds the body’s energy reserves. It can be taken before going to bed to support sleep and also next morning to boost energy and vitality.
2.      Holy Basil: Holy Basil, also called Tulsi, is another powerful adaptogen that should be taken daily, either in raw farm in as a tea or in capsules. This herb has been documented in Vedic medicinal and sacred texts dating back 5000 years, Holy Basil- is one o world’s most powerful adaptogenic, stress relieving and immune supportive herbs. It reduces stress, strengthens the immune system, promotes calmness, minimizes cold and flu symptoms, balances metabolism and builds stamina. Holy Basil has been rightly named the “Queen of Herbs”.
3.      Indian Lilac / Neem: Known as “The one that cures all ailment and ills”, Neem protects the body from both exposure and susceptibility. It helps prevent and fight infection through its natural anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties.  Neem builds immunity, helps purify the blood and supports healthy liver functions including detoxification. With regular use, Neem helps to rejuvenate and nourish the skin, balance blood sugar levels and boost the body’s anti-inflammatory response.

These herbs will help your body fight stress, build immunity and act as your daily dose of prevention and protection against exposure and constant stress of our demanding lifestyles.


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